
Pi币应用内广告投放调查建议_团队融资模式更新Pi Network 官网


感谢 Pi 先锋提交了超过1,000条关于Pi如何实现更可持续的资助的评论和想法。















1. 你认为Pi应用程序中最好的广告类型是什么?

  • A:一个简短的视频广告,你可以跳过几秒钟的时间浪费等待应用程序加载,但不是每次你打开应用程序。
  • B:屏幕底部的小横幅广告取代了“发送1Pi”按钮。
  • C:一个简短的视频广告,你可以跳过几秒钟后再挖掘。
  • D:一个简短的视频广告,你可以在挖掘后跳出几秒钟广告。

2. 你认为Pi应用程序中最糟糕的广告类型是什么?

  • A:一个简短的视频广告,你可以跳过几秒钟的时间浪费等待应用程序加载,但不是每次你打开应用程序。
  • B:屏幕底部的小横幅广告取代了“发送1Pi”按钮。
  • C:一个简短的视频广告,你可以跳过几秒钟后再挖掘。
  • D:一个简短的视频广告,你可以在挖掘后跳出几秒钟广告。







pi最新消息6月11日:为什么Pi会有广告?pi币植入广告_Pi Network 官网

Funding Model Update: In-app ads

Thanks to the Pioneers that submitted over 10,000 comments and ideas about how Pi could achieve more sustainable funding. Today’s post focuses on the most immediate avenue for building a more sustainable funding model: in-app advertising. After reviewing your previous feedback, we are moving forward with in-app ads. Below, we lay out the analysis of your feedback that helped lead to this decision and would now like to further gather your feedback on the types of ads we should implement, weighing factors such as user experience and potential ad revenue.

As we mentioned in the “Building Pi’s Funding Model” video, the most promising short-term avenue seemed to be in-app advertising because ads don’t cost money and are common in free apps. In the previous video, we requested that Pioneers leave us feedback on in-app ads. Our analysis of your feedback involved reading the many comments you submitted while factoring in the upvotes and downvotes. When it came to in-app ads, the comments were very supportive. Many Pioneers suggested that they would be willing to accommodate in-app advertising if it helped accelerate the development of the project.

One of the primary concerns expressed by Pioneers was the potential impact of ads on the user experience. Pioneers expressed a desire for ads to be not overly intrusive and have a minimal impact on the in-app experience. In order to gauge the best place to position ads in the application, we are now running a survey on the home screen of the application to gather more feedback. The options for ads placements in the survey include suggestions from the Core Team as well as suggestions that Pioneers contributed in our initial “Building Pi’s Funding Model” topic.

Once we get feedback from Pioneers about which ads they prefer in the application, we will enter into a testing period for in-app ads. This testing period will seek to strike the optimal balance between two key variables: ad revenue and impact on user experience. Advertising revenue is driven by factors like the number of views that ads receive, the number of people who click on the ads, as well as the type of ads (i.e., video ads tend to earn higher revenue than static banner ads). On the other hand, preserving user experience requires that the ads minimize their impact on the core functionalities of the app.

While there is often a tradeoff, balancing ad revenue and user experience is not always a zero-sum game. For example, one promising option is a video ad displayed when the app is loading. In this case, Pioneers would see an ad when they would otherwise be wasting time waiting for the app to load. To help us achieve this balance, take the survey on the home screen of the app. We look forward to your feedback!



Pi in-app ads placement survey
We would now like to gather feedback from the community on where to place ads inside the application. Keep in mind the balance between the revenue of different ads and the impact on the user experience.

1. Where do you think is the best kind of ad to implement in the Pi app?

A brief video ad that you can skip after a few seconds during time wasted waiting for the app to load, but not every time you open the app.
A small banner ad at the bottom of the screen in place of the “Send 1Pi” button.
A brief video ad that you can skip after a few seconds BEFORE mining.
A brief video ad that you can skip after a few seconds AFTER mining.
2. Where do you think is the worst kind of ad to implement in the Pi app?

A brief video ad that you can skip after a few seconds during time wasted waiting for the app to load, but not every time you open the app.
A small banner ad at the bottom of the screen in place of the “Send 1Pi” button.
A brief video ad that you can skip after a few seconds BEFORE mining.
A brief video ad that you can skip after a few seconds AFTER mining.


pi币电脑节点挖矿下载_3月31日Pi Network官网新闻

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Pi币应用内广告投放调查_团队融资模式更新Pi Network 官网


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