


有些人就喜欢吹牛逼,建了一个 群,谁说pi少于100一个,就把人t出去。分清楚,正常人和不正常区别。

2021 年 12 月 28 日,我们推出了主网以及更新后的 Pi 白皮书(December Whitepaper)的新章节,其中一章“代币模型和挖矿”描述了 Pi 的供应模型、新的挖矿机制以及供应中的挖矿奖励请使用主网仪表盘上链接的 12 月白皮书作为以下公告的参考。

正如之前宣布的,网络将按照以下步骤实施新的挖矿机制,这些步骤将独立于即将进行的大规模 KYC 验证和 Pi 余额迁移到主网区块链。


即日起,2022年3月1日--奖励发放递减公式将生效,特别是,系统基础挖矿率(B)将根据估计的每月供应限制降低,其中B保持一个月不变,每月下降. 采矿机制在 3 月 14 日之前保持不变。
即将于2022年3月14日(Pi日)——包括12月白皮书中规定的新奖励在内的新挖矿机制将生效。通过 Pi 锁定、应用程序使用和节点操作到网络。



SAVE 保存就可以,锁几年,随便设置,你的账户不值钱,不用当回事。




今天,2022 年 3 月 1 日,我们宣布了奖励发行公式的第一个版本 - 如下所述的递减指数函数 - 根据每月供应限制降低系统范围内的基本采矿率 (B)。B 今天降低了. 至 0.02367198839 Pi 每小时,到 2022 年 3 月将保持不变,此后每月下降。请注意,新的基础采矿率将在您各自的当前采矿会话完成后生效,仍可能使用旧的费率。此公式旨在确保这种下降的指数函数以及新的挖掘机制平衡了网络对增长、可访问性、寿命和稀缺性的需求。此外,它还调整了先驱者对网络贡献的奖励。


尽管 B 减少了,但 Pioneers 很快就会有更多的途径来为网络做出其他类型的贡献并提高他们的个人挖矿率。这实际上是新挖矿机制的目的之一。3 月 14 日(Pi ) 日),2022 年,新的挖矿机制将与新的奖励类型一起生效:锁定、应用程序使用和节点操作——由 12 月白皮书中各自的公式指定。

下降的网络奖励发行公式的第一个版本和即将推出的新挖矿机制标志着 Pi Network 在主网阶段的代币模型和挖矿设计的发展取得了重大进展。网络有机会根据正在进行的发现迭代特定公式以及代币建模和模拟。

请注意,下面的递减指数公式是奖励发行公式的第一个版本,因为无法准确预测主网和新挖矿的未来数据。第一个版本是根据过去的数据、模拟和最佳假设设计的,例如,剩余的 350 亿个 Pi 是根据当前可用的真实 Pioneers 移动余额数据估算的,更准确的数字将取决于网络 KYC 的速度以及将来有多少 Pi 迁移到主网。数据和持续模拟将有助于评估奖励发放公式中的这些基本假设,因此,可能会导致公式根据上述网络目标进行调整。

supply_limits (expressed in Pi/day) = exp ( last_day_total_mining_rewards / 1220) 35,000,000,000,


supply_limits 是这个公式的输出,它无限期地为每天分配特定数量的 Pi,同时确保未来的总发行量不会超过剩余的可用供应量。
last_day_total_mining_rewards 等于前一天发放的 Pi 挖矿奖励总额,
1220 是一个调整因素,将在未来几个月内进一步调整,并且350 亿是 Pioneers 未来可开采的 Pi 的估计数量。
12 月白皮书指出,B 将在一定时间内动态调整以保持挖矿奖励发放在供应限制内。时间段可以是每年、每月、每天、每小时,甚至更细化。为简单起见,我们开始每月动态 B,这意味着 B 将保持一个月不变,进行调整。

在每个月底的奖励发放公式和网络的挖矿活动中,从一个保持一个月不变的 B 开始有助于先驱者理解

  1. 新的供应限制(今天生效);
  2. 新的挖矿机制的含义新奖励(2022 年 3 月 14 日生效),以及 3) B(可能在未来)一次一个更具动态性,因为这些概念很复杂,并且都会对 Pioneers 的挖矿奖励产生影响。时间,每月的时间足够短,可以纠正任何偏离奖励发行公式的 Pi 的潜在过度或不足发行,而 B 的稳定时间足够长,可以让先驱者跟进并调整他们对网络的贡献以挖掘奖励。

因此,今天生效的新 B 是通过将上述奖励发放公式中第一个月的每日 supply_limits 相加并除以 31(3 月份的天数)来计算该月内的每日平均分配,然后再除以2月最后一天所有活跃先驱的挖矿奖励系数总和——包括他们的推荐团队和安全圈奖励的倍数,以及他们在3月份新挖矿机制下的锁定倍数、应用使用和节点奖励的估计倍数(请参阅) 至 12 月白皮书:章节:主网挖矿公式了解如何计算 B). 以后每个月都会发生类似的迭代。

例如,4 月 1 日,B 将根据该公式中第二个月的供应限制重新计算和 3 月最后一天所有活跃先驱的所有奖励系数的总和。这个 B 将保持不变,直到 4 月,并在 5 月 1 日再次更新。

当 B 在一个月内保持不变时,每个月实际挖出的 Pi 总数会随着当月活跃挖矿的 Pioneers 的实际总贡献而变化,月末实际挖出的 Pi 总数将与上述任何其他类型的调整,例如假设的剩余 350 亿挖矿奖励供应。

如果每月的这种偏差一直很大,那么网络可以转移到 B 模型的更动态版本,其中 Pi 的每月发行量保持不变,但 B 会在更精细的时间周期基础上进行调整。调整 B 以遵循公式,对 Mainnet 上的 More 数据的过度发行或发行不足的可能性越小,新的挖掘机制将有助于检查当前每月动态 B 的有效性,并确定是否是更具动态性的版本 B有针对性的供应限制,在此期间偏离公式的机会越小。


虽然基础挖矿率有所下降,但新的挖矿奖励即将到来,我们将在 3 月 14 日 Pi Day 再次发布公告,启动新的挖矿机制和奖励,并进一步说明先驱者如何通过制作其他类型来提高个人挖矿率在此之前,您可以通过以下方式在接下来的两周内继续提高您的个人挖矿率:

继续像以前一样挖矿以获得新的全系统基础挖矿率,完成您的安全圈以最大化安全圈奖励,邀请您的朋友来挖掘 Pi 以增加推荐团队的奖励,以及提醒您现有的推荐团队进行挖掘。




通过身份验证 (KYC) 后,您可以自愿锁定部分可转让余额,以获得更高利率的挖矿权。

挖矿提升是根据锁仓 π 的数量和锁仓时长计算的。有关详细信息,请阅读下面的经济模型部分。


您可以决定随时更改锁定配置作为 Pi 应用程序中的整体帐户范围设置。您甚至可以在进行 KYC 或准备迁移到主网之前预先选择这些设置。随着您和您的推荐团队/安全圈通过 KYC 并进行新的挖掘,您的更多移动余额将变得可转让。每次转账到主网时,这些预选的锁仓时间和百分比设置将自动应用于转账的余额,导致主网上有两种余额:锁仓余额和免费余额,这两种余额都将记录在主网区块链上并驻留在您的非托管 Pi 钱包中。锁定一旦确认就无法撤销,并且由于区块链的性质,必须在整个选定的期限内保持锁定状态。

由于锁定金额由您转移余额的百分比计算,您必须锁定相同百分比的新转移余额以保持相同的锁定挖矿提升。这很容易通过保持您的锁定配置设置与每次重复传输到主网的一致来轻松完成。另一方面,如果您在以后的转账中没有锁定与初始主网转账相同百分比的 π,您的锁定挖矿提升将会减少。如果您对帐户范围的锁定设置进行任何更改,更改将在您下次将余额转移到主网时生效。

此帐户范围的锁定设置允许您锁定最多 100% 的可转让余额。主网启动后,您可以转移余额,您也可以稍后通过稍微不同的锁定界面直接在主网上锁定更多 Pi。届时,您可以锁定他们之前挖矿获得的已转移主网余额的 200%。 Pioneer 单独开采的 Pi 的额外锁定限额可以来自基于实用程序的 Pi 应用程序交易,即通过销售商品和服务制造 Pi。


在主网,锁定奖励旨在支持健康平稳的生态系统并激励与网络的长期参与,同时网络正在引导经济并创造需求。调节市场流通供应是一种重要的分散宏观经济机制,尤其是在公用事业创建的早期公开市场。 Pi Network 的一个重要目标是创建一个基于实用程序的应用程序生态系统。生态系统中真实商品和服务的交易,而不仅仅是投机交易,旨在确定 Pi 的效用。随着我们启动主网的封闭网络阶段,主要关注领域之一将是支持和发展 Pi 应用程序开发人员社区,并培育更多的 Pi 应用程序发展。与此同时,先驱者可以选择锁定他们的 Pi,以帮助创造一个稳定的市场环境,让生态系统成熟,让更多的 Pi 应用出现,并为消费 Pi 提供引人注目的用例——最终通过公用事业创造有机需求。

L(B) = Lt Lp log(N) B,其中:

Lt 是 B 的 Lockup Time period 乘数。
0 → Lt = 0
2 周 → Lt = 0.1
6 个月 → Lt = 0.5
1 年 → Lt = 1
3 年 → Lt = 2
Lp是B的Lockup Percentage乘数,其中Lockup Percentage是从之前的挖矿奖励(Lb)转移的主网余额的锁仓量,Lockup Percentage乘数如下。
0% → Lp = 0
25% → Lp = 0.25
50% → Lp = 0.5
90% → Lp = 0.9
100% → Lp = 1.0
150% → Lp = 1.5
200% → Lp = 2
log(N) 是先前挖掘会话总数 (N) 的对数值。
B 是基础挖矿率,根据可用的 π 池调整分配

先驱者将有机会自愿锁定他们的 Pi 以获得更高的采矿权。首先,锁仓奖励的前提是先行者必须积极挖矿。如果一开始就没有挖矿,那么即使 Pi 被锁定,任何不活跃的挖矿会话也不会获得锁定奖励。如上式所示,锁仓所做的只是给B提供乘数,所以如果B为0则不会有锁仓奖励(即开拓者不挖矿)。

其次,锁仓奖励与对锁仓的贡献正相关,即锁定时间段(Lt)的持续时间和锁定的数量。然而,锁定量是由 Pioneer 开采的 Pi 总量 (Lp) 的百分比来计算的。 Pioneer 可以锁定的最大 Pi 是他们之前在移动应用程序中挖矿转移的主网余额 (Lb) 的两倍,即 200% Lb。将一个人转移的主网余额 (Lb) 锁定为 2 倍的最大锁定量的原因是 1) 防止锁定奖励被利用,以及 2) 鼓励对 Pi 生态系统的其他贡献,例如进一步提高他们的挖矿、运行节点和使用应用程序.从某种意义上说,这有利于挖掘并为网络做出其他类型贡献的先驱者。

第三,Log(N) 为具有较长采矿历史且可能有大量可转让余额锁定的先驱者提供更高的锁定激励。虽然锁定奖励公式通常不考虑绝对金额,而是考虑其转移余额(Lp)的百分比来支持平等——这允许具有较短采矿历史的较小账户锁定少量金额,但获得与大额相同的锁定奖励乘数账户——我们需要添加一个 Log(N) 因子来解释具有悠久采矿历史的矿工,以抵消偏向于余额较小的先驱者的偏见,并为具有较大余额的历史悠久的先驱者提供足够的激励。但是,挖矿历史对锁仓奖励的影响也需要限制。因此,该公式对先前的采矿会话数 N 应用对数。例如,如果一个 Pioneer 在过去 3 年中几乎每天都进行采矿,那么他们先前的采矿会话总数 (N) 将约为 1,000。在这种情况下,Log(1,000) 等于 3,在 B 的锁定奖励中增加了另一个乘数。请记住,要为具有长期挖矿历史的先驱者获得有意义的锁定奖励,您必须锁定的 Pi 数量远远超过较小的帐户。


该公式的目的是根据每个锁定的数量(Lc)与之前挖矿的总主网余额(Lb)成比例计算总锁定奖励,乘以它们各自的锁定时间段(Lt)和Log(n )。这样,即使同一个 Pioneer 有多个锁仓,更多不同设置的锁仓也会按比例增加其总锁仓奖励。 Lt、Lc 和 log(N) 的值被计算并为每个锁定 i 相乘,然后在各种 i 上求和,然后在给定的挖矿会话中除以 Lb 的值,得到 L( B) 对于那个挖矿会话。该公式确保无论 Lb 多少,只要 Pioneer 的锁仓量与 Lb 保持相同的百分比,总锁仓奖励乘数将保持不变。

最后,Pioneer 什么时候可以锁定 Pi?作为 Pi 应用程序中的整体帐户设置,先驱者可以随时决定其可转让余额的锁定持续时间和锁定百分比。您甚至可以在进行 KYC 或准备迁移到主网之前预先选择这些设置。随着您和您的盈利团队/安全圈通过 KYC,他们的更多移动余额将变得可转让。在他们的可转让余额迁移到主网的那一刻,他们预先选择的锁定持续时间和百分比设置将自动应用于转移的余额数量,从而在主网上产生两种类型的余额:锁定余额和免费余额,两者都是将记录在主网区块链上,并驻留在 Pioneer 的非托管 Pi 钱包中。因此,锁定一旦确认就无法撤销,并且由于区块链的性质,必须在整个选定期限内保持锁定状态。对此 Pioneer 锁定设置的任何更改都将在其下一次余额转移到主网时生效。

这种账户范围的锁定设置允许 Pioneers 锁定最多 100% 的可转让余额。在主网启动和 Pioneers 转移余额后,Pioneers 也可以稍后通过稍微不同的锁定界面直接在主网上锁定更多 Pi。届时,Pioneers 可以锁定他们之前挖矿获得的已转移主网余额的 200%。


On December 28, 2021, we launched the Mainnet along with new chapters of the updated Pi white paper (December Whitepaper). One chapter, “Token Model and Mining”, described Pi’s supply model, new mining mechanism, and mining rewards within the supply limit. Please use the December Whitepaper linked on the Mainnet Dashboard as a reference for the following announcement.

As previously announced, the network will follow the steps below to put the new mining mechanism in effect. These steps will be independent of and in parallel with the upcoming mass KYC verification and Pi balance migration to the Mainnet blockchain.

Effective today, March 1, 2022 - A declining rewards issuance formula will take effect. In particular, the systemwide base mining rate (B) will be reduced based on an estimated monthly supply limit where B stays constant for a month and declines every month. The mining mechanism otherwise stays the same until March 14.
Upcoming on March 14 (Pi day), 2022 - The new mining mechanism, which includes new rewards specified in the December Whitepaper, will take effect. Pioneers will be able to increase their individual mining rate by making newer, more diverse types of contributions to the network via Pi lockup, app usage, and node operations.
Announcing new mining rate and Rewards Issuance Formula
Today, on March 1, 2022, we’re announcing the first version of the Rewards Issuance Formula—the declining exponential function described below—whereby the systemwide base mining rate (B) is reduced based on a monthly supply limit. B has today decreased to 0.02367198839 Pi per hour, which will stay constant through March 2022 and decrease monthly thereafter. Note that the new base mining rate will take effect after the completion of your respective current mining sessions that still may use the old rate. This formula intends to ensure that Pioneer mining rewards are within the total supply limit of 65 billion allocated for mining rewards as announced in the December Whitepaper. This declining exponential function along with the new mining mechanism balances the network’s need for growth, accessibility, longevity, and scarcity. Additionally, it right-sizes the Pioneers’ rewards for contribution to the network.

Even though B is reduced, Pioneers will soon have many more avenues to make other types of contributions to the network and boost their individual mining rates. This, in fact, is one of the purposes of the new mining mechanism. On March 14 (Pi day), 2022, the new mining mechanism will take effect along with the new types of rewards: lockup, app usage, and node operation—as specified by their respective formulae in the December Whitepaper.

Together, the first version of the declining network rewards issuance formula and the upcoming new mining mechanism mark a major advancement in the development of Pi Network’s Token Model and Mining design during the Mainnet phase. These incremental steps further exemplify how the Enclosed Mainnet period offers the network opportunities to iterate on specific formulae based on ongoing findings as well as token modeling and simulations.

Please note that the declining exponential formula below is the first version of the Rewards Issuance Formula, as it is impossible to precisely predict the future data on Mainnet and from new mining. This first version was designed based on past data, simulations and best assumptions, such as the 35 billion remaining supply for future mining rewards, Pioneer lockups and overall ecosystem factors. For example, the 35 billion remaining Pi is estimated based on the currently available data about real Pioneers’ mobile balances. A more accurate figure will be determined by the speed of network KYC and how much Pi is migrated to the Mainnet in the future. Further data and continual simulations will help assess such underlying assumptions in the rewards issuance formula, and thus, may lead to the formula’s adjustment in line with the network’s objectives as explained above.

supply_limits (expressed in Pi/day) = exp ( last_day_total_mining_rewards / 1220) 35,000,000,000, where

supply_limits are the output of this formula that allocates a specific amount of Pi to each day for the indefinite time while making sure the total future issuance will not exceed the remaining available supply.
last_day_total_mining_rewards is equal to the total Pi mining rewards issued on the previous day,
1220 is a tuning factor to be further tuned over the coming months, and
35 billion is the estimated number of Pi available for Pioneers to mine going forward.
How is today’s B calculated?
The December Whitepaper stated that B will be dynamically adjusted to keep the mining rewards issuance within supply limits for a certain period of time. The time period could be yearly, monthly, daily, hourly, or even more granular. For simplicity, we are starting the dynamic B on a monthly basis, meaning that B will stay constant for a month and will be adjusted based on the rewards issuance formula and the network’s mining activities at the end of each month. Starting with a B that stays constant for a month helps Pioneers understand the implications of 1) new supply limits (effective today), 2) the new mining mechanism with new rewards (effective March 14th, 2022), and 3) a more dynamic nature of B (potentially in the future) one at a time, given that these concepts are complex and all have an effect on Pioneers’ mining rewards. At the same time, a monthly period is short enough to correct any potential over- or under-issuance of Pi deviating from the rewards issuance formula while B is stable long enough for Pioneers to follow along and adjust their contributions to the network to mine for rewards.

So, the new B effective today is calculated by summing up the daily supply_limits of the first month from the above rewards issuance formula and dividing it by 31 (number of days in March) for even daily allocation within the month and dividing it again by the sum of coefficients of mining rewards of all active Pioneers of the last day of February—including their multiples of Referral Team and Security Circles rewards, and their estimated multiples of lockups, App Usage and Node rewards in the new mining mechanism in March (Please refer to December Whitepaper: Section: Mainnet Mining Formula to understand how to calculate B). Similar iterations will occur each month going forward. In example, on April 1st, B will be recalculated based on the supply limit for the second month from this formula and the sum of all reward coefficients of all active Pioneers from the last day of March. This B will stay constant through April, and update again on May 1.

When B stays constant in a month, the total number of Pi actually mined every month varies with the actual total contributions of the actively mining Pioneers in that month. At the end of the month, the total number of Pi actually mined will be compared with the number initially projected by the formula. Any deviation between the two numbers each month will lead to a further adjustment on the remaining Pi supply, across the remaining indefinite mining period, along with any other types of adjustments explained above, e.g. the assumed 35 billion remaining mining rewards supply.

As such, the monthly B can potentially cause an over- or under-issuance of Pi, leading to a deviation from the rewards issuance formula. If such deviation on a monthly basis is constantly large, the network can move to a more dynamic version of the B model where the monthly issuance of Pi remains constant but B gets adjusted on a more granular time epoch basis. The shorter the time period for adjusting B to follow the formula, the less is the potential for over- or under-issuance against the targeted supply limits, and the less is the chance for deviation from the formula over that period. More data on Mainnet and the new mining mechanism will help examine the efficacy of the current monthly dynamic B and determine if a more dynamic version B is necessary.

What can Pioneers do?
Although the base mining rate has dropped, new mining rewards are coming soon. We will make another announcement on Pi Day March 14 to kick off the new mining mechanism and rewards, and further explain how Pioneers can increase their individual mining rates by making other types of contributions. Until then, you can continue to boost your individual mining rates for the next two weeks by:

continuing to mine like before to receive the new systemwide base mining rate,
completing your Security Circle to maximize Security Circle rewards,
inviting your friends to mine Pi to increase Referral Team rewards, and
reminding your existing Referral Team to mine.
In addition, Pioneers should set up their lockup configuration, see how lockups can boost their mining rate in the new mining simulation interface, and commit to a lockup configuration before the new mining mechanism takes effect on March 14. Please follow the “Lockups” button on the homescreen to set up your lockup configuration. The higher the lockup percentage and the longer the lockup duration, the higher the lockup mining boost will be.



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