2021 年 12 月 28 日,我们推出了主网以及更新后的 Pi 白皮书(December Whitepaper)的新章节,其中一章“代币模型和挖矿”,传达了 Pi 的供应模型、新的挖矿机制以及供应中的挖矿奖励请使用主屏幕上链接的 12 月白皮书作为以下公告的参考。
如十二月白皮书所述,挖矿奖励的供应量为 650 亿 Pi,其中包括先驱者在 Pre-Mainnet 阶段挖出的奖励和通过新的挖矿机制进行未来挖矿的奖励。给定的时间段将基于递减公式(奖励发放公式)。
核心团队一直在通过经济建模和模拟研究奖励发放公式,第一版具体公式将于 2022 年 3 月 1 日发布。同日,Pi Network 也将采用新挖矿的第一步由于网络奖励发放公式为递减函数,根据12月白皮书中的计算,预计全系统基础挖矿率(B)会下降,因此,在你可以的时候挖矿并提醒你的团队以更高的频率挖矿3 月 1 日之前。
新挖矿机制的网络采用将独立于并与大规模迁移到主网区块链并行。新的挖矿机制由两个主要方面组成:1)给定时间段的供应限制和2)新的挖矿奖励在进行 KYC 和主网迁移的同时,网络将同时遵循以下时间表,以使新挖矿机制的各个方面生效。
2022 年 3 月 1 日 -- 定义给定时间段的供应限制的奖励发放公式将生效。全系统基础挖矿率将根据供应限制降低。其他挖矿机制保持不变,直到 3 月 14 日。
2022 年 3 月 14 日(Pi Day)——新的挖矿机制,包括 12 月白皮书中各自公式指定的新奖励类型将生效。网络。
80% 的社区供应进一步分为: 65% 分配给所有过去和未来的 Pioneer 挖矿奖励,位于主网上的地址 GBQQRIQKS7XLMWTTRM2EPMTRLPUGQJDLEKCGNDIFGTBZG4GL5CHHJI25,10% 用于支持社区组织和生态系统建设,最终将由 Pi 基金会管理未来的非盈利组织,地址为GDPDSLFVGEPX6FJKGZXSTJCPTSKKAI4KBHBAQCCKQDXISW3S5SJ6MGMS,5%预留给流动性池,为Pi生态中的先驱者和开发者提供流动性,地址为GB7HLN74IIY6PENSHHBBJJXWV
社区分配 Pi 社区分布(预计 800 亿个 Pi 总数)
主网挖矿奖励 450 亿 Pi(约)
流动资金池储备 50 亿 Pi(约)
基金会储备(赠款、社区活动等) 100 亿 Pi(约)
650 亿 Pi 将分配给所有挖矿奖励——过去和未来的挖矿。对于过去的挖矿奖励,到目前为止(主网之前)所有 Pioneers 挖出的所有 Pi 的粗略总和约为 300 亿 Pi。但是,在丢弃 Pi 之后通过虚假账户,根据 KYC 的速度和参与度,在开放网络之初,主网前挖出的 Pi 估计在 10 到 200 亿之间。
New mining release plan
On December 28, 2021, we launched the Mainnet along with new chapters of the updated Pi white paper (December Whitepaper). One chapter, “Token Model and Mining”, communicated Pi’s supply model, new mining mechanism, and mining rewards within the supply limit. Please use the December Whitepaper linked on the home screen as a reference for the following announcement.As stated in the December Whitepaper, the supply for mining rewards is 65 Billion Pi, which includes rewards Pioneers have mined in the pre-Mainnet phase and rewards for future mining through the new mining mechanism. The new mining mechanism is meant to incentivize more types and amounts of contributions from Pioneers to the network necessary for its Mainnet phase. The network rewards issuance going forward and supply limits of a given time period will be based on a declining formula (rewards issuance formula).
The Core Team has been working on the rewards issuance formula through economic modeling and simulations. The first version of the specific formula will be released on March 1, 2022. On the same date, Pi Network will also adopt the first step of the new mining mechanism. Because the network rewards issuance formula is a declining function, the systemwide base mining rate (B) will be expected to decrease based on the calculation specified in the December Whitepaper. Thus, mine and remind your team to mine at a higher rate while you can before March 1.
The network adoption of the new mining mechanism will be independent of and in parallel with the mass migration to the Mainnet blockchain. New mining mechanism is composed of two major aspects: 1) supply limit of a given time period and 2) new mining rewards in the new mining mechanism. While KYC and Mainnet migration are ongoing, the network will concurrently follow the timeline below to put each aspect of the new mining mechanism in effect.
March 1, 2022 - The rewards issuance formula that defines the supply limit of a given time period will take effect. Systemwide base mining rate will be reduced based on the supply limit. The mining mechanism otherwise stays the same until March 14.
March 14 (Pi Day), 2022 - The new mining mechanism including the new types of rewards specified by their respective formulae in the December Whitepaper will take effect. Pioneers will be able to increase their individual mining rate by making diverse types of contributions to the network.
The new mining mechanism will usher in a new era for the network. Mine at higher rates while you can. Happy Mining!
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