神吐槽:继续等通知,不要着急。不会全部一次性kyc,而是 每天放出名额。在浏览器里面填写文档就可以。未通过的人,有重新填写审核的机会,不会被销毁账户。
答:最初是小批量,很快就会大规模 KYC,目的是改进系统以适应大规模 KYC。最近,我们在 Pi 浏览器的 kyc.pi 应用程序中发布了小批量插槽,用于上传 KYC 文档,用于测试、调试、算法和性能改进。例如,我们向每个国家/地区的 50 多人发布了包含活动性检查和文档编辑预览的新版 KYC 应用程序。更多批次将很快发布,直到大规模 KYC 开始。 KYC 应用程序的开发需要格外小心和迭代,因为它处理的是网络的一个重要过程和 Pioneers 的重要数据。完成改进和可扩展性后,Pioneers 将能够前往 kyc.pi 应用程序提交他们的 KYC 文档。
问题:当 KYC 广泛可用时,Pioneers 会收到通知吗?
回答:是的。他们将在我们的公告中得到通知,也可以由他们的推荐团队成员通知。先驱者将能够向他们的推荐团队和安全圈成员发送通知,提示他们执行 KYC。核心团队还将发布公告,提醒用户上传他们的 KYC 文档。
问题:对于已提交 KYC 文档的先驱者,Pi 余额何时会转移到他们的主网钱包?
回答:仅提交文件(例如 KYC 试点参与者)甚至被认证为提交文件中的人(例如 Yoti KYC'ed),只是 Pi KYC 流程的一部分。需要执行其他检查,例如名称匹配、以前违反 Pi 的服务条款和政策以及法规遵从性验证,所有这些都将构成 Pi KYC 的通过。一般来说,先驱者提交 KYC 文件后,需要通过验证过程,包括验证个人身份和遵守 Pi Network 的服务条款。对于通过此验证过程的先驱者,他们的 Pi 余额将变为可转移并定期转移到他们的主网钱包。
问题:Pioneers 在提交 KYC 文件后需要等待多长时间才能获得批准?
答:处理时间可能因几个因素而异。通过 Pi 浏览器参与试点 KYC 应用程序的先行者将在人工验证功能到位后首先被处理,该功能将很快发布。试点 KYC 的目的不仅是为了让 Pioneers 获得批准,也是为了改进 KYC 应用程序本身。一旦验证者可以在 KYC 应用程序中验证应用程序,应用程序的进度将取决于每个国家/地区的可信赖验证者的可用性,从几天到几周不等。这就是为什么社区激励足够的验证者加入验证者门户开放后,帮助验证他们所在国家/地区的先驱者。如果 Pioneer 已提交名称更新上诉,则可能需要额外的时间。
KYC 结果还将取决于您的姓名与您的 Pi 帐户是否匹配、是否针对政府 AML 和反恐制裁名单进行筛选,以及该帐户是否有脚本或违反政策的历史记录。
问题:如果用户通过了 KYC,将如何通知他们?
答:先驱者可以通过 Pi 浏览器在 Pi KYC 应用程序中检查他们的 KYC 状态,他们在其中提交了文件。
KYC 失败可能有多种原因。不同的原因可能导致不同的结果,例如再次提交 KYC 申请、上诉或永久拒绝的机会。 Pi 帐户不会立即被烧毁。对于任何重新提交和上诉案件,可能会给予宽限期,这将在稍后公布。
Question: Will there be a mass KYC, or will it continue to roll out in batches?
Answer: Initially small batches and soon mass KYC, for the purpose of improving the system to scale for the mass KYC. Recently, we have been releasing small batches of slots within the kyc.pi app in the Pi Browser for upload of KYC documentation for testing, debugging purposes, algorithm and performance improvements. For example, we released a new version of the KYC app that contains liveness checks and document redaction preview to 50 more people per country. More batches will be released soon until mass KYC starts. Extra caution and iterations are applied to the development of the KYC app, as it deals with an important process of the network and important data of Pioneers. Once the improvements and scalability are completed, Pioneers will be able to go to the kyc.pi app to submit their KYC documentation.
Question: Will Pioneers be notified when KYC is widely available?
Answer: Yes. They will be notified in our announcement and also can be notified by their referral team members. Pioneers will be able to send a notification to their Referral Team and Security Circle members to prompt them to perform KYC. The Core Team will also post announcements that will remind users to upload their KYC documentation.
Question: When will Pi balances be transferred to their Mainnet wallets for Pioneers who have submitted KYC documentation?
Answer: Submitting documents only (e.g. KYC pilot participants) or even being authenticated as the person in the submitted documents, (e.g. Yoti KYC’ed), is only part of the Pi KYC process. Additional checks such as name matching, previous violations of Pi’s terms of service and policies and regulatory compliance verification will need to be performed, all of which will constitute a pass of the Pi KYC. Generally, after a Pioneer has submitted their KYC documentation, it will need to go through a verification process, which involves verification of one’s identity and compliance with Pi Network’s Terms of Service. For Pioneers that pass this verification process, their Pi balances will become transferable and get transferred to their Mainnet wallets in regular batches.
Question: How long will Pioneers have to wait for approval after submitting their KYC documentation?
Answer: The processing time can vary depending on a few factors. Pioneers that participated in the pilot KYC app through the Pi Browser will be the first to be processed after the human verifier functionality is in place, which will be released soon. The purpose of having the pilot KYC is not just for Pioneers to get approval but also to improve the KYC app itself. Once validators can verify applications in the KYC app, the progress of the application will depend on the availability of trustworthy validators per country, ranging from a few days to a few weeks.That’s why it’s important for the community to motivate enough validators to join the workforce and help verify Pioneers in their country once the validator portal is open. If a Pioneer has submitted a name update appeal, additional time may be required.
KYC results will also depend on your name matching with your Pi Account, screening against government AML and anti-terrorism sanctions list, and if the account has a scripting or policy-violation history.
Question: How will users be notified if they have passed KYC or not?
Answer: A Pioneer can check on their KYC status inside the Pi KYC app through Pi Browser, where they submitted the documents.
Question: What happens to those who do not pass KYC? Will their accounts be burned immediately?
Failure in KYC can result from multiple reasons. Different reasons may lead to different outcomes, e.g. another chance to resubmit KYC application, appeal or permanent rejection. Pi accounts will not be burned immediately. A grace period will likely be given for any resubmission and appeal cases, which will be announced later.
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